Z-aim Grand Wildlife Premix 10kg Z-aim Grand Wildlife Premix 10kg Z-aim Grand Wildlife Premix 10kg Z-aim Grand Wildlife Premix 10kg Z-aim Grand Wildlife Premix 10kg

Z-aim Grand Wildlife Premix 10kg

Item ID: za-760096

349 kr
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Z-aim Grand Wildlife Premix feed supplement 10kg.
Support feeding your game in a better way by adding Grand Wildlife Premix directly to the feed or, for example, hay bales. Fits all rumbling game but can also be given to domestic animals. Grand Wildlife takes the low cost effect of your little game care longer! 10KG Grand Wildlife Premix is ​​dosed to 1000 Kg / feed.

Most hunters know that some lands hold animals with larger horns and this is often said to be due to factors in the biotope such as availability of minerals and good feed. And obviously there is a truth in the reasoning, of course, a good game management is also required where the animals can reach the age. But if you look at a larger perspective, there are few chips that hold such a good biotope that the animals' full potential for, for example, the horns can be reached. Many Swedish soils are mineral-poor and the fodder available does not reach the animals a good status. By being supported with Grand Wildlife, you can lift the animal's entire status, which offers a number of benefits.

The fact that we have developed a feed supplement and a form of lick blocks with minerals & vitamins is due to our curiosity as a hunter! My own studies eventually led to attempts to strengthen the feed for deer with the addition of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and proteins to try to influence the animal's horn development and general status.

During the trials we achieved results above our expectation! The goats developed stronger and bigger horns, the goats got what we experienced stronger and more kid and visibly better general condition, the kidd experienced as bigger and faster in the growth and did not rarely get up to 6 tags already on the first horns. Of course, our own tests are not scientifically confirmed, but everything is based entirely on the changes we experienced ourselves. But you can easily assume that animals that so get everything they need feel and work better.

The market for feed in animal production is very much about production maximization and it is not uncommon for different groups of specially developed feed enriched with, for example, extra vitamins, minerals, trace elements. But different substances are also added to basic feed only because certain substances are known to be low in the crops that are harvested. The distorted situation can thus be assumed to also be affected by a feed intake from increasingly large areas of farmland and that Swedish soil in general has low values ​​of, for example, certain minerals. What wildlife gets in itself naturally varies between different geographical locations, during different seasons, what biotope they live in and whether they are fed during the winter!

Summer and especially early summer are the clover game's "vacation time" when their life is simple and the pantry is loaded with easily accessible nutrients with plenty of vitamins! The further into the summer and autumn time goes, the lower the content of vitamins and nutrition is in the crops. Autumn, winter and spring are tough periods with access to low and nutrient-poor feed while the animals perform their most energy-intensive tasks such as fur replacement, pregnancy, horn development while more energy is consumed to keep warm and during food searches!

During the winter months, some of the game will feed and feed but not infrequently offered a one-sided diet that does not reach a good composition. The feed is often hay, maize, sugar beet, peas and for deer in the north perhaps the most reindeer / game feed. If you look at the value of minerals, vitamins, proteins in these, then you can assume that many animals are consumed in a diet with too low values ​​of the important substances needed for good general status. The animals that do not receive the right amounts of vitamins / minerals / trace elements can have greatly reduced ability to absorb nutrients and minerals.

An example that has been highlighted in the media lately is the lack of Vitamin B1 (Tiamin) which can create major problems and lead to animals dying! In moose, a lack of thiamine is believed to be the cause of the emaciation illness and that moose in some places in Sweden have died in recent years. In our products, for example, there are, for example, vitamins B1 (Tiamin) and B7 (Biotin) as well as two different feed yeasts that allow the game itself to produce a variety of B vitamins. Feed yeast also promotes the bacterial flora of ruminants, which provides increased absorption of nutrition from the feed and is also a source of proteins and a variety of minerals.

The purpose of the feed supplement is to strengthen the ability of ruminant wild animals to absorb energy and nutrients, to strengthen their resilience, to increase well-being, better conditions for horn development, change of coat, hoof quality, stronger skeleton, better status during pregnancy, higher growth. The reason is to compensate for shortcomings in Swedish nature and feed made from crops from arable land. Our products are developed and balanced in close collaboration with a professional producer of feed supplements for the animal industry.

For the absorption of minerals, it is important to have a correct combination between vitamins and that the right minerals are placed against each other. 

The balance and interaction between vitamins, minerals, protein etc. is important for the animal to make use of them. If we look at what we experienced with us on our northern lands, then this is probably pretty good! Feeding with supplements seemed to make a big difference than the same feed that was previously given in the form of game feed / reindeer feed.

The goat, which was the largest and could be followed with certainty from the time he was born until he carried his fourth set of horns and felled reached up to 155 points. During the course of our test, a number of medal bucks, a number of bronze, silver and gold that were documented with wild cameras were used to frequently use the feeds. Obviously, improving the animal status requires that the feed is handled with supplements well from autumn until they leave the feeding in the spring!

Deer store most of the minerals that the horns build up in their skeleton so if you start early in the autumn it builds up well! When the minerals in the skeleton are exhausted, the remaining needs are taken directly from what they eat which makes it important not to quit early.

Composition of the feed supplement and a bit of why!


Vitamin A: Growth, antioxidant, saliva, epithelial production, eyes

Retinol is needed for vision, skin and mucous membranes to function normally. Vitamin A has a fundamental importance for the development, growth and differentiation of the embryo during the earliest part of pregnancy, in order for the fetus to develop normally and have a good vision.

Biotin: Hair, hoof, horn development and quality.

Like other B vitamins, biotin helps the body break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins in energy production. It also contributes to maintaining healthy skin, hair and nervous system function and is a very important topic for the development / build-up of horns and clefts.

B1 Thiamine: Energy, digestion, nervous system, appetite.

Thiamine is an important nutrient that all tissues in the body need to function properly. Thiamine was the first vitamin B discovered by scientists, hence the name B1. Like other B vitamins, thiamine is water-soluble and important for the body to convert food into energy. Lack of thiamine can lead to malnutrition and even death. Deficiency of vitamin B1 is believed to be the cause of emaciation in moose, death of seabirds and salmon fry and, at present, probably also for cod in Swedish water.


Immune system, bone, tissue, muscle, metabolism, antioxidant. Vitamin C is needed for antibody formation (counteracts infections, wound healing, blood vessel strength). Deficiency can cause fatigue, poor appetite and increased susceptibility to infections. Deficiency is uncommon, but for example, horses have shown that an increased amount can have a calming effect. We add a little extra to ensure the absorption of minerals in the best way.

D3: eyes, bioavailability, horn development, bone development, splitting tissue development.

Vitamin D is a very important nutrient as it is involved in about 100 body functions. Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin, a group of fat-soluble prohormones that help maintain the balance of calcium in the body, important for normal growth and for the interaction of mineralization of bones and teeth. Extensive and ongoing research on vitamin D has also shown new roles for this vitamin in modulating cell growth, neuromuscular and immune functions.

VITAMIN E (TOCOPHEROL) reproduction, muscle development, circulatory system, antioxidant.

Vitamin E and selenium are two substances that primarily have a positive effect on the life span of our body cells. Or as you usually say, they are antioxidants = substances that protect against free radicals. Selenium and vitamin E affect many similar functions in the body, they cannot be replaced by each other, they interact and reinforce each other so that the effect of their presence together is higher than each other.

Vitamin E protects fat from oxidizing, or in everyday life, raining. Because body cells contain a lot of fat, it is important that the body can preserve and use it without destroying it. During the early growing season, grass contains high levels of vitamin E, especially in the dilute plants. As the plant matures into a more vegetative phase, the content decreases. When the fall comes, the content drops quickly. Vitamins that were in abundance during early summer are now greatly reduced. Feed is often stored by drying or silencing, the process destroys much of the vitamin E that was present from the beginning. Cereals that are acidified for long-term storage contain less vitamin E compared to dried cereals.

Amino acids

Amino acids: Milk growth, performance, protein synthesis, growth, feed efficiency, meat exchange, fertility, metabolism.

L-Lysine & Methionine: are important amino acids for the game. Like all proteinogenic (protein-building) amino acids, L-lysine is part of body protein. Such as collagen in connective tissue. Together with Methionine, it has a high priority for the endogenous synthesis of L-carnitine. 

The vitamin-like compound transports fatty acids in the cells where they are used to generate energy. Methionine is one of the 20 amino acids that are building blocks of proteins. It belongs to the group of neutral, hydrophobic, unpolar amino acids and is one of the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce itself and must therefore be added to the diet.

Flora regulators

Active yeast; MUCL 39885: Feed efficiency, milk production, weight gain, rum stimulator, digestive system.

MUCL 39885 Prosol SPA: a specific yeast strain approved by the European Union as a probiotic active dry yeast for the feeding of cattle, piglets, sows, dairy cows, horses and small ruminants to improve animal production performance and maintain their well-being. MUCL 39885 enables these results to be obtained thanks to powerful support for digestive efficiency. In particular, the results of experimental data show that the active yeast for animal feed selected by Prosol helps to ensure the best use of nutrients, weight gain and animal health. Dairy cows produce a higher quantity of milk with better quality, moths improve their growth rate and conversion index, sows get a higher number of higher weight cows, cows grow faster and with better health, Horses increase their digestion and improve their performance.

INACTIVE EXPERT YEAST: Inactive yeast: feed efficiency, milk production, weight gain, pH increase of rumen, digestive system.

Has a high content of different B vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, two teaspoons of the yeast, for example, covers the recommended daily need of these vitamins for humans several times. B vitamins play a major role in protecting peripheral nervous systems, forming red blood cells and even neurotransmitters in the brain. The B vitamins are also very important for energy conversion in the body and for the breakdown of carbohydrates and fat. Nutritional yeast also contains many vitamins, minerals and amino acids in addition to B vitamins


Minerals in a sufficient amount are needed for many of the animal's functions and are important for the growth of horns and hoofs, their quality and the animal's other health status. A hornbearing animal with a lack of enough minerals is less likely to develop its horns fully. However, not only does it depend on the minerals contained in the feed, but in order for the animal to make good use of them and other nutrients, an interaction with an intake of sufficient vitamins and amino acids is essential, which is important for the body's ability to absorb and utilize food. Minerals are elements that come from soil and water and cannot be made by living organisms. Minerals in the diet of clover game come directly from the plants they eat. Minerals from plant sources and water can vary from place to place, as the soil's mineral content varies geographically. Minerals play an important role in animal feed because they play an important role in the development and maintenance of the skeleton and perform many other physiological functions. Trace elements are minerals required by the body in very small amounts. Most trace elements in our diets come directly from plants or indirectly from animal origin. Important tracers are copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, cobalt, iron and iodine. Although the daily requirements for these trace elements are expressed only in micrograms or milligrams, they have essential information to ensure optimal body functions (eg triggering of metal enzymes, enzyme cofactors or as components of endocrine system hormones).

Ingredients horns

Deer horns largely consist of about 23% calcium, 10% phosphorus, 0.5% magnesium, 0.8% sodium, 0.3% sulfur and a combination of iron, zinc, copper, aluminum, potassium, manganese and other substances.

Minerals in the Z-aim Grand WildLife Premix

Manganese Oxide: Manganese Oxide: Bones, tissue, reproduction and hormones. In studies on deer, the mineral has been found to play a major role for the strength and flexibility of horns and bones, a low value giving fragile horns that can withstand less. Among the minerals that can affect the mechanical properties of horns and bones, the substance seems to have a disproportionate importance, given its small content in the overall structure! A strong skeleton is also of high importance under the rut of the deer animals, animals with low values ​​after the development of the horn may have a weakened bone structure.

Zinc: hoof and hair quality, circulatory system, growth of young animals, reproduction A sufficiently high level of Zinc in studies on white-tailed deer in hedge has shown that the animals received a better immune system and a higher stress resistance. The effect was most noticeable in older animals.

Cobalt: Blood production, body development, milk exchange, hair, hoof development Vomen's microorganisms need cobalt for the production of, for example, vitamin B12! In the event of a deficiency, the animals lose weight quickly and signs of malnutrition occur. This can be explained by the fact that the metabolism of propionic acid is dependent on vitamin B12. 

Cobalt deficiency can be distinguished by reduced appetite, lower growth and a lower concentration of vitamin B12 in the blood (plasma) and the liver. Cobalt is stored in an extremely small amount in the body and it is common to use vitamin B12 in plasma instead and live as an indicator of the cobalt level of ruminants.

Sodium Selenite; Selenium: important for fetal development, hair, hoof, horn development, reproduction, growth, muscle development, immune system, antioxidant. Swedish chips are poor on selenium, the distribution of selenium very uneven across the world. Countries such as Sweden, Finland and several other northern European countries have a lack of selenium in the soil. The best solution is to add selenium in animal feed, which we do for livestock in Sweden, many people also use selenium as a dietary supplement. Selenium is one of seven widely recognized micro minerals needed in the diet of animals. Today, we know that selenium is present in all of our cells and is critical for a number of body functions, including cells' energy production - including in muscle cells and not least the cells of the heart that require a lot of energy. A low level of selenium can cause a number of serious problems in calves as well as adults. Selenium and vitamin E interact and are important to each other.

Iodine: important for the offspring and fetal development, cleft, horn development are included in thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine which are necessary for growth and development. Iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism which in turn can lead to stroma. Good supply of iodine lowers the turnover of selenium, which makes iodine a good aid in maintaining selenium levels. Calves born with a deficiency run the risk of having Weak calf syndrome, WCS, they are fully developed but not normal. Symptoms of iodine deficiency in addition to enlarged thyroid gland may be late abortions, hairless calves, decreased fertility, residual afterbirth, increased susceptibility to infection. The risk of iodine deficiency increases if the feed supply contains a high proportion of legumes as these may contain high levels of goitrogens competing for the absorption of iodine.

Copper: Pigmentation, hair quality, breathing, bone formation, development of connective tissue. Among other things, it is a component of the red blood cells whose task is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Lack of copper results in impaired uptake of iron from the small intestine as well as impaired mobilization of iron from tissues leading to a reduced synthesis of hemoglobin and therefore impaired oxygen supply to cells and tissues. Copper also plays an important role in various enzyme systems and is also necessary for normal pigmentation of the coat.

Iron: Anemia, cell structure, respiration, growth and development. Iron is part of hemoglobin and myoglobin and has the vital function of transporting oxygen in the body. 70% of the iron is bound to the hemoglobin, the remaining 30% is found as the protein complex ferritin in kidneys, liver and spinal cord. Iron deficiency is rare as feed is often rich in iron sufficient to meet normal needs. The exception is calves that exclusively feed animals or animals infected by parasites or suffer from a disease that leads to chronic blood loss. Lack of iron can lead to anemia, recklessness, reduced feed intake and reduced growth. Pale mucous membranes can be used as an indication of iron deficiency. When iron deficiency is noticed, this is usually noticed by the animal being deprived of copper utilization and then exhibiting the symptoms of copper deficiency.

Magnesium (Mg): Acidosis, constipation, poisoning, carminative, antacid, constructive diarrhea, intestinal flora. The substance has several important metabolic functions in the production and transport of energy. It is also important for muscle contraction and relaxation. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of protein, and it helps activate some enzymes. For animals, it is important in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids (fats) and protein. Also used for nerve activity and muscle contraction.

Filling / building material Z-aim Grand WildLife

Calcium carbonate: Hypocalcemia, bone development, milk exchange, immune system. Carbonated lime occurs naturally in nature such as aragonite, limestone, limestone, chalk and marble, as well as in marble, dolomite, etc. Lime is an important component of the horns.

Sodium chloride (Salt) Acid and liquid balance, digestion. Is called Sodium Chloride and is the chemical name of salt. Sodium is an electrolyte that regulates the amount of water in the body. Sodium also plays a role in nerve impulses and muscle contractions. The salt is also a good 'lid' for deer animals.

Sodium Bicarbonate (Sodium bicarbonate): vom regulator, antacids, feed use, milk cooking. Addition of sodium hydrogen carbonate with a pH of about 8 is used in feed for livestock to improve the digestibility of feed and accelerate the utilization of nutrients and emissions of harmful substances and increase the rate of weight gain. But also the immunity of the organism can be kept in the best condition and improve anti-stress ability and to prevent disease and ensure healthy growth.

DCP Phosporus (Phosphorus) Bone development, horn development, splitting, muscle development, acid-base balance, hypophosphataemia milk exchange, hypophosphataemia. Minerals in a compound feed work together like spokes on a wheel. If a spokesman is broken, the tire will wobble. A good example is how calcium and phosphorus interact. Before any calcium can be turned into horns or bones, enough phosphorus must be present and before these two can interact, sufficient VITAMIN D must be present in the animal's diet. There are many "game minerals" on the market that have a high level of salt and perhaps a significant level of calcium but then a low or virtually no phosphorus or other important minerals, trace minerals or vitamins. Calcium and salt are very cheap while PHOSPHORUS and other important minerals, chelated trace minerals and vitamins are the most expensive elements in a mineral bag.

Sulfur: Sulfur Sulfur is an important component of proteins, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and other biomolecules. Most of the sulfur in the animal body is found in proteins containing the amino acids cystine, cysteine ​​and methionine. Sulfur is also found in the hormone insulin and the important metabolite coenzyme A. Also cartilage, skeleton, bone, tendon and blood vessel walls contain sulfur. Addition of sulfur has a good effect on the uptake of nutrients by ruminants, especially for the digestion of plant wires by absorption and uptake of nitrogen. Sulfur is needed for the synthesis of certain amino acids, vitamins and certain enzymes so that the microorganisms of the heat can utilize sodium sulfate and methionine. Wet microbes can better break down dietary proteins into ammonia and sulfides or use dietary urea and sulfate to synthesize microbial proteins. Sulfur can also promote the growth of ciliates in rumen rumen, actively participate in protein and fat metabolism and oxidation processes, and participate in the detoxification of harmful phenolic compounds to the benzene sulfuric acid form, promote the synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids, and increase the body's resistance.

Vanilla Extract (Vanilla Planifolia) CAS 8024-06-4. No major benefit other than that they like the scent and taste and that it hides some of the other flavors.

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